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Games made fun.
The Way of the Deepa Donkus
At the end of the day, a game is the developer’s dream come to life.
Whether it’s an individual or a whole studio of individuals, a complete game requires hundreds of hours of work, creative thinking, emotions, and dedication.
A good game is one that conveys that dream in a way that deeply affects the player in some way, immersing them into a new world.
In this immersed state of flow, the player should be able to get lost in the game. A new life, new emotions, new perspectives, and new scenarios.
How It All Started
Games have always been a passion of mine. Once upon a time, I thought I’d create a Let’s Play of one of my favorite games for fun.
While it was successful, it didn’t encompass everything I wanted to contribute to the gaming community.
I found myself moving from YouTube Let’s Plays, to written reviews, to discussing elements of game design with devs.
So, I created Deepadork. A place where I can explore multiple facets of my passion for video games in multiple mediums in a public space.
What You Can Expect
Deepadork is an internet personality within the gaming community, with a goal of making games better.
This site contains a repository of various works by Deepadork, which primarily includes reviews, walkthroughs, let’s plays, and discussions on game design.
Games deserve a spotlight where they can be discovered by interested players,
Players deserve a place where they can learn the ins-and-outs of games they love, or discover new games.